Happy October’s Extreme!
Halloween! Candy! Is this a dream?
Oh to be on the couch stuck in between
Buttered popcorn and a movie scene,
Watching some few really scared teens
Be silenced with many jump screams
designed to freak me out or so it seems.
Growing up, that wasn’t my lean,
Eating at my fears like fava beans,
These movies and the tv screens
Scaring me sick til I turn green.
But as I grew and formed a team
Of friends I hold to high esteem
For outings wearing makeup creams
On my face and threads I’ve deemed
Worthy of assembling into a themed
ensemble from a show we streamed,
I’ve begun to understand horror memes
And what they’re from and what they mean.
Monster parties and haunts will glean
Frightful visions and noises heard not seen
And Halloween will rise again all clean
Next year, same time, October’s extreme.