Area Woman Outraged That All Episodes of This Season's Game of Thrones Aren't Available to Binge Watch

Moontown, IA - A local woman, Beth Doone, could be heard screaming at HBO on the phone last night. "I pay good money for internet. Where's the rest of them?" Beth, 27, told reporters that she's "never had to wait for TV before," sighting "everything is on Netflix." Sources confirmed that she was indeed wrong; not everything is on Netflix. 

Game of Thrones airs on HBO on Sunday nights at 9:00 pm, a time when everything is supposed to be nice and quiet. Neighbors were questioned in accordance with the incident and said "It sounded like a very angry woman was being insulted." "I thought someone was in trouble." Witnesses stated that around 9:30, the woman tried to lift the TV out of the window, but couldn't get it to fit.

The police brought her in for questioning and tried to make her understand that this is a live show, which airs every week. She was eventually sedated and thrown in jail, both bail set at $10,000 dollars. The town of Moontown is once again peaceful and quiet. Beth's boyfriend, Erik, could not be reached for comment.