Busy Being Busy

Webster' s dictionary defines success as "being the only good dictionary on the market," Ok, wait a minute! That's a bit conceited and self congratulating, Webster, even for you. But to me, success is getting to do what you love. It has nothing to do with money, no matter how much we desperately want it to. It's that easy, plain and simple.

So what am I successful at today, you ask? Glad you asked. I'm doing a lot of sketch comedy. Huzzah!! It really is the coolest thing. I'm completing an acting for sketch class that is having a show that I'm in, I'm writing for a Peoples Improv Theater work study sketch show, and I'm writing my own sketch show. The class show is this Saturday at 4:00pm. The work study show is next Monday at 9:00pm. And my sketch show is January 17th, 2017 at 7:30pm. Come and forget about the inauguration for like two seconds. It will be terrific!

Contrary to popular belief, these opportunities didn't come about because I was siting at home. I've been out, schmoozing and boozing and choosing what I want to do. Improv is fun, but I will always think of myself as a writer. It's what I've always wanted to be. So you just say that to people and you find opportunities that they have. And if they don't have any, make your own.

That's an interesting concept. Make your own opportunities. It's very possible to do, but it does take work, dedication, and sacrifice. Man, if I put as much work into my day job as I do this stuff, I could be a world famous civil engineer. Just kidding, their aren't any. Anyway, December is the last month this year, so start gathering up those resolutions. You know I've got some new ones. Hold yourself accountable for what you do. That's my message today. Have a good week. Sorry for the short post, but I'm super busy. *wink*