Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
What a week, people! Let's get right into it. On Thursday, I had the option of spending a rainy day at home, or spending a rainy day in New York being an extra in a movie for no money. So naturally, I got a lot of housework done and cleaned up my room. Nah, just kidding! I hopped aboard some trains and headed for the East Village. That's where Mike Birbiglia, the famous comedian/actor/director, was filming his new movie Don't Think Twice. How did I get this opportunity? I asked, plain and simple. I didn't think twice about it either. I met all of my friends (yes, I have those now) and the seven of us proceeded to try and be extras in the film. The film is about an improv team and what happens behind the scenes when they are faced with hard times. It's a neat idea and deserves to be shared with the world.
When we got there, we checked in, made sure our wardrobe was acceptable, sat down, and waited. Then, we waited. After that, we waited some more. That's showbiz for ya! (That's my new catchphrase. I'm trying it out.) Finally, after about 5 hours of waiting and two scoops of ice cream, they told us it was time to film the scene. Then, we all walked single file from the holding area to the set like a fourth grade class on a field trip to a museum.
The set was small. The camera adds ten feet. That's showbiz for ya! We all packed into the makeshift improv theater that they had set up, complete with a man a playing an organ off to the side, which seemed unnecessary. That's showbiz for ya! Then, we all got to watch Keegan-Michael Key and Gillian Jacobs perform a scripted improv scene together, while Mike Birbiglia directed from off to the side. It was like something out of the... well, out of the movies. I was thrilled to be there. Plus, the guy holding the camera was wearing the same shoes as me, so I felt like I did something right.
If/when the movie comes out, you will probably see me in the audience. I'm down front. You can't miss me. If they use the shots of me, though, then I'll be famous. I'll have my very own IMDB page with one credit on it. That actually sounds kind of sad. But hey, that's showbiz for ya!
And also, last night was the 3rd Annual Oddball Comedy festival in beautiful Camden. Oddball Fest blew the roof off of the Susquehanna Bank Center, which fit right in with all of the other buildings missing roofs because Camden. You get to sit there and watch comedian after comedian come out and slay the audience. It was impressive and awe inspiring. I want to do it. New life goal! See ya next week!!