Give Me a Break!!!

This week, I'm taking a much needed vacation. I'm taking some me time. It'll be good to get out and clear my head and reevaluate my life. This will be the second time that I have gone to the beach this summer, one where I'll get to use my new sandals. It's been a very busy summer at home and I need a time out (does Zach Morris's Time Out motion from the 90's TV classic "Saved by the Bell"). I just can't take it anymore, or as the kids say today, I can't even.

But this isn't one of those posts where I say I have nothing to say and I've that I've gone fishing. I mean, I will be going fishing at some point on this trip, but that's neither here nor there. (Correction: we tried to go fishing tonight but the pier is closed due to it being unsafe.) My point is that you might not be able to reach me for a week because I'm rocking back and forth on an unsafe pier. That or I'm playing golf. One or the other. 

Have a good week. Take a little time to smile and call yourself out on something stupid that you did. Then tell me about it so I can laugh at you too. :)