The Fruits/Flowers Anniversary

Happy Birthday!!!! Today is the four year anniversary of when I started this blog. I've watched it grow from an inexpensive blogspot blog to a Squarespace website that costs me $96 a year. I wouldn't change anything if I had to do it all over again.

I expect to be inundated by fruits and flowers in the mail this week. And I get that it is a little more modern to send appliances these days. So, if instead of lemons, you send me a lemon juicer, then I totally understand the sentiment. And if instead of roses, you send me a rose juicer, then the thought and effort really shine through. Also, what's a rose juicer? 

Anyway,  some things on here are new. The Tour Dates page is up and running and being updated weekly. I made a Books tab and put up my book that I wrote about being an architecture student. Check it out. The Podcasts tab has one more episode of Mono a Monotone than it did last year. My once a year drop schedule is working perfectly. Everything is coming together. 

Speaking of fruits, what's the biggest fruit you can think of? No, not who's the biggest fruit you can think of; I don't need Andy Cohen writing me letters. The biggest fruit I can think of is The Big Apple. What does The Big Apple have to do with anything? Well, as it turns out, I'm moving there this week! That's right, as Taylor Swift so beautifully says, "Welcome to New York!"

After a long and frustrating year and a half out of school, I've accepted a position in the big city of New York. I start next Monday and I'm really excited. Nothing will change on here, except that my posts will be louder and more forceful. And they will probably be more about subway rats than anything else. Look for it, as part of my "Rats of New York" series. So everything will change, actually. But hey, that's half of the fun! (The other half of the fun is you reading this.)

Thank you all for following me this long. It really means a lot. Here's to many more years. Let's go!!