The Leather Anniversary

Can you believe that it's been three years since my mom started reading this blog? Wow! Time flies when your writing puns. Traditionally, year three is the leather anniversary, although a more modern gift is crystal or glass. I'd definitely prefer a jacket over a ring. Or maybe a glass wallet? Nah, that's not so practical. Anyway, this blog has definitely grown over the past year, most notably into a full website. It has everything that you want, plus a lot of things you don't want. I added a Podcasts tab and added one episode of Mono A Monotone and two episodes of Story Time. I added a Videos tab and will be populating it more in the future. I added a tab called Tour Dates, which is TBA right now. Stay Tuned for that. The about the author tab is funny and informative. As it should be.

And like I say every year, this is mainly just practice for me to hone my craft. Not everything is funny; comedy is subjective. That being said, I'm hilarious and you are so lucky that you get to witness it each week. For free no less. I wish I was you (No I don't!).

Say, do you remember me telling you about the time that I made a pitch for a television sitcom to NBC? You don't? Well, I did, and sadly they have gone a different direction, citing things like "not funny" and "we can't pay you one million per episode." So, I will not be moving on in the competition. That's OK, because the show was based off of a book that I have not written yet. So guess what? I started to write that book and want to finish it by November 31st. Ambitious, I know, but doable. 

So that's where I'm at. Three years in and still trying new things. Because that's the secret to life. Try new things; don't let new things try you. (That's either rambling nonsense, or I'm a genius. I'm a genius. L'chaim!)