Prime time Blocktober
TV is back and it's better than ever. Just like the Hess truck at Christmas time. There is something good on every single night. And since I have no job, I have plenty of time to watch every show. And since I have no job, I have to watch them all before the cable shuts off. Listen, I'm not here to tell you which shows to watch; I'm just here to make sure you watch something. I don't want Nielsen to have to lie about their ratings again. #Selfie should not be the most watched show. It should be Red Band Society. I'm currently watching Gotham this Monday night, and I really like it. It's the before Batman story that nerds have only read about in the comics. So it's a good show. That's all I'm saying. You need to watch something and enjoy it. If that doesn't tickle you, why not watch The Big Bang Theory, which will be on for three more seasons. Or if a sitcom isn't your thing, why not watch political pundit John Oliver tear up the news like a dog being house trained? It's political comedy with a purpose. See, something for everyone. Let the binge viewing commence!