Monday, Monday
If you're like me, and let's assume for the sake of argument that you are, then you may be displeased with the fact that I have missed a couple of Mondays this summer, Mondays on which you did not get to bask and relish in the subtle wit and genius that is my style of writing on here. I realize that I may be letting down a few of my readers by not posting every week, but hey, nobody's perfect. My other two readers get that. It has been hard this summer for me to get to the computer every Monday. So what I'm saying is that it may be more sporadic this summer than I previously anticipated. Do not fear, though. I will be posting things and making things and writing things, just not always on Monday. After all, people say I'm funny and I can't afford to disappoint those whom regard me as such a prevailing force in the field of blogging, and basically, the world wide web in general. My iconic cultural presence shall not be sullied. I will not stand for it. I may, however, sit for it. Think about that one, if you can find the time.