Complaints to the Chef

Hey, I'm back and... drum roll.... I do have sun burn on my back! I ate at a lot of restaurants with my family while I was away. Now, when you go out to eat with my family, there are a few things that happen pretty regularly. I don't want to call them rules because we don't really follow rules.

1. Expect to not sit where we were first seated because it's too close to the door and/or not a booth.

2. Order something but make a slight adjustment to it.
Can I have a BLT, except hold the L and the T and no mayo?
So, just bacon?
Yeah, sure.

3.Coke, no Pepsi!
I'll have a coke.
Pepsi ok?
Yeah, no, no, no, let's leave. Thanks for the bread.

Stay tuned next week for something that I'm calling The Radio Show!